2024 – Where in the world are the Grebels year end recap

Written by Kim

Many of our friends ask us why we own our home in Myrtle Beach. Yes we do travel quite a bit but we also enjoy time in our home. This year I decided to track it for myself so we had some insights. My analysis is based on where we slept so day trips are not included. As many of you know a lot of our travel is to visit our family. The outcome is that we are home more than half time!

We have my mom, 3 kids and 4 grands in the Nj/PA area, 1 kid in FL and Alex’s mom in TN which make up our family travel. I spent 43 more days than Alex away from home largely helping out with childcare of my grands. We were so blessed to have 3 new grand babies join our tribe in the 2nd half of the year so May – August and December was snuggling the new babies.

We were lucky to get away for vacation a few times last year. We usually spend the bulk of January bouncing around Florida to get out of the cold and cruise / golf / visit Florida friends. April we cruised with friends and we’re grateful our friends, Mike & Laurie, joined us because we lost Mike to cancer in September, September / October we did our awesome USA road trip.

Well……all kidding aside, we will continue to travel and visit family (and create charts for entertainment value). Life is short and we don’t know when the day will come that we can’t go anymore so….live life to the fullest for tomorrow isn’t a guarantee. We’re still planning for 2025. We have lots of birthdays and a family wedding until April then the sky is the limit. We think we will do a European adventure through Scandinavia and the Baltic countries via train over the summer but….not sure of the details yet.

Until then……


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