Written by Kim
As promised, we now have the photos they took of the bridge climb so sharing them now. Tomorrow I will post a recap post. I didn’t edit any of the photos and you can now see the real view of our climb. The bridge is nicknamed “the coat hanger” because of the shape of its design. The bridge was opened in 1932 and it’s just over 1,100 yards long, It is one of the tallest bridges in the world with a height of 130 yards from water level to top.
Our video while on the bridge.
While I was pretty scared so happy we did this. We splurged and did the premium time at sunset so got day, sunset and night views. It was a 3 hour climb but was probably 90 minutes going up and down the bridge. Took us about 1 hour to get suited up. We put on our jumpsuits and everything got attached to us on clips – our sunglasses, hats, jackets, radios, headphones, handkerchiefs, harnesses, etc. After we got all dressed we simulated the climb so we could practice how to move our tether along up the ladders, etc, it was very safe but 85 meters from the road at the top of the bridge so pretty breathtaking.