Day 9 – Hawaii dreaming (9/25/19)

(Written by Alex)

Our fourth consecutive sea day started like most of the others, although we made the mistake of waiting a little too long (8 am) to venture out the the track. Because it’s getting warmer, activity by the pool has increased substantially. So the upper deck was loaded with both walkers/runners and people looking for deck chairs. Those deck chair people were often walking in the wrong direction or flipping chairs around that sometimes blocked the track. I said to Kim we can’t get out there that late anymore!

At progressive trivia we did terrible today. Some of the questions are pretty much a coin flip guess. For instance, is the shore line of Bosnia-Herzegovina more of less than 25 miles? If we guessed more, it was less. If we guessed True, it was False. We did get a few questions right though. Here was a fun one I’ll let you try (the answer is below)…

In the wild, is it better to have a lion attack you or a tiger?

After lunch we headed to the pool and it was crazy out there! There was a little cloud cover but it was temporary – it got nice a sunny for the rest of the afternoon. It was nice and warm (84F, 29C) and the movement of the ship always creates a nice breeze. Once they finished a goofy sexy-guy competition we were able to grab a pair of nice loungers near the pool.

They actually played a movie at the pool in the late afternoon, the live action Aladdin with Wil Smith. So we enjoyed a couple beers and watched that from poolside.

At the lounge we chatted some more with our new friends from Perth, Australia – Wendy and Tony. They are both fun to chat with. They are very well traveled and have lots of funny stories about things they’ve seen and done.

We wanted to try to eat at Solarium Bistro without a reservation, but there was a private event in there so that squashed that idea. So off the the Windjammer (buffet) we went. As we ate we were informed the Pixels show we had reservations for at 7:45 in the 270 lounge was postponed until the final day of the cruise – they were experiencing technical difficulties. What next then? Back to the lounge of course! Once there, we saw a couple we briefly met a couple of days ago – Eileen and Jack Kennedy (can’t forget his name!). Guess where they’re from? Yep – Massachusetts!! Lol. Anyway, they were carrying on about their 48th anniversary they were celebrating, so we shared a Champaign toast with them and some others. Met another couple there from Hawthorne, NJ, which is very near where Kim is from.

We decided to go watch a hypnotist show in the theater after the lounge closed at 8. I have to be honest, these kind of shows do nothing for me, but what the heck, let’s go see what it’s all about. We watched for a while as the hypnotist had a bunch of people mimic playing in a band or thinking they were Richard Simmons. Meh. Kim was dozing off and I thought it was dumb. We left the show early.

On to 270 for a Beach Dance Party. We watched for a while and then went out and danced for about 20-30 minutes. It was fun, but Kim’s knee was a bit sore so we cut it short.

Dancing at the Beach Dance Party!!

Back at the cabin, Clive had left a nice towel froggy for us!! Aloha!!

Towel frog by Clive

PS – the answer to the trivia question is a tiger. I would definitely prefer that a lion attack a tiger and not me. (Reread the question again). 🤣

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