
Sept 2021 – Palm Springs here we come

Written by Kim

And we’re off

One small drawback to living in Myrtle Beach is that your flight options are limited and direct flights are not often available (unless we do Spirit to NJ). We wanted to use travel credits we had from Covid on United so our flight to Palm Springs included 2 layovers. A long travel day but the silver lining was that for the first time in our lives we were in all 4 US times zones with our feet on the ground inside a day an a half. We left Tennessee (Central Time Zone) yesterday after a quick visit to Mom & Dad and drove home to SC for a few hours to do laundry, get packed and begin our journey. Our flight started in Myrtle (eastern time zone) with our first leg taking us to DC. Our flight was a little late taking off so delayed us getting in. We had a short connection so quickly ran to the shuttle to change terminals with about 5 minutes to spare. I hate rushing for connections but we made it.

I missed watching planes come and go on the runway

Our next flight was DC to Denver. It was an easy 3 hours but unfortunately I spilled a drink all over Alex when I got up to use the restroom. Ugh. Luckily he wears golf shorts which dry quickly so they were dry by the time we arrived in Denver (mountain time zone). He was happy to be drinking some Buffalo Trace bourbon 🥃 so all was good. Another terminal change in Denver. The tram was packed! We didn’t have much time to transition but grabbed a few sodas for the flight.

Alex enjoyed a few Buffalo Trace on our flights.

We arrived in Palm Springs at 8:30 (Pacific time) to complete our time zone travel for the day. It was only 103 degrees when we arrived but it really didn’t feel that warm. Palm Springs airport isn’t too big but it was interesting how you left the gate area and entered an outdoor courtyard to get to baggage claim. This is only a design for a place that normally has good weather. Very unique. Our bags came and we got a cab to our hotel, Agua Caliente Rancho Mirage.

We grabbed a sandwich because we were hungry but I was beat so I went to bed. Alex decided to play a bit in the casino 🎰 and did really well. We know that the casino will win in the end but it’s nice to be up especially on the first day.


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