Jan 2022 – Day 4 – Enjoying Luke!

Written by Kim

Today we left Orlando and drove about 2 1/2 hours to Stephen’s house to spend the day with Luke, Stephen and Bethany. Luke is getting so big too fast. He got so tall since u asw him in December. Stop my boy Nana wants to freeze you at age.

Luke plays so well by himself in his play yard. He also loved crawling back and forth between Pop Alex and me on the couch. Alex would say “hurry hurry go fast” and he would just belly laugh as he crawled. It melted my heart he’s so cute.

He loves putting his fish in his bucket

Luke loves his furry brothers and sisters. Even they needed a nap when Luke napped.

Smokey and Izzy getting some rest while Luke naps
Piper (the newest addition) guarding the play yard while Luke naps

Luke loves to eat and enjoyed some ham and cheese for lunch and going out for dinner.

Yummy lunch
Off to dinner
Yummy sweet potatoe fries

Pop Alex and I had so much fun playing.

He loves his thumb a telltale sign he’s tired

Looking forward to a few more cuddles this morning before heading back to Palm Beach Gardens. Until tomorrow.


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