May 1, 2022 – Cartagena

Written by Kim


We moved a bit north on the Mediterranean coast to Cartagena which is in the region of Murcia. We didn’t have a planned tour so slept in a bit before heading out to explore the city on our own. We expected it to be a bit quiet because it is Sunday and also a holiday, Labor Day or May Day. There were 3 ships in port. We were the largest with 3700 passengers but there was also a Celebrity ship with only 800 and a Viking ship with 300 passengers. A local band welcomed us because it was the first time this ship has been here. There were many local people at the port to check out the “biggest cruise ship” in their port. Many shops were closed. It is pretty normal to have organized protests on this day and we did see a bunch of labor unions marching and chanting. Also we saw people dressed in old time outfits having a picnic in the park playing croquette.

View of dock from our cabin
A local band welcoming us
Labor Day protest
Picnic in the park

We walked around town before grabbing some breakfast. Our tour guide yesterday raves about toast with olive oil & tomatoes. He was right. It was delicious. I do love Spanish cafe con leche also

A bank on the square
Government building
Our delicious breakfast – toast with olive oil & tomatoes

We explored the Roman Theater. This theater is like a smaller version of the Colosseum in Rome. On the first level is the theater.

Roman theater

We climbed many flights of stairs to continue up the mountain and above the theater was another amphitheater. There was a live show. We really couldn’t understand what they were saying in Spanish but it was like a live chess ♟ match. They would announce a move and the chess piece / person would move. As they over took a “player” from the other team they would play some music, squirmish a bit and when one player was “killed” the medic with a Red Cross on his outfit would come carry off the player in a stretcher. It was very entertaining. We had some good laughs.

The live Chess play
The kill

We continued up more stairs our Apple Watch said it was 25 flights to go to the castle at the top of the hill. It was well worth the hike as the views were incredible

At top of the castle
A short rest at the top of the tower in castle

After walking all those stairs in the Roman theater it was beer o clock. 🍻 We stopped on the square for a few beers and a snack.

Tomorrow we’re in Valencia. Until then …


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