Day 16 – Quiet day at sea except for medical emergency (10/2/19)

Written by Kim

Slept in a little late almost 8 am after our long day yesterday. After breakfast I said to Alex I was happy that we made it through the first 10 day cruise without hearing an Alpha, Alpha which is the call for a medical emergency. Well this morning we had an Alpha which resulted in the captain deciding to turn around and head back to Hawaii. We were probably about 12 hours from shore but I guess they were unable to evacuate via helicopter. As I write it is 1 am and we just arrived in Honolulu where they dropped a life boat and are taking the patient ashore. Prayers for a good recovery of our fellow passenger. We will head back out once the evacuation is complete.

We started a new progressive trivia this morning and did well with 18 out of 20 correct. The trivia is a bit easier with the new CD. He offers a bonus question to either get 10 additional points if right or lose 10 is wrong. We thought we had the answer but weren’t sure and didn’t put it down. The Von Trapp kids was the answer and we would have gained the bonus if we put it down. Darn!

This afternoon we were just lazy napping and watching our downloaded shows. Alex brought a HDMI cable and remote so we can watch stuff from our phone on the TV. We had to get creative with so many days at sea. As usual we went to the lounge and chatted with our new trivia partners, Ian and Deb. Dinner was in the main dining room but service wasn’t as good. We sat in the section over from Geromino and had all kinds of people including the maitre’d serving us. We saw our waiter once. Oh well maybe we’ll get Geronimo next time. Alex participated in the game show “Who wants to feel like a millionaire” and did pretty well but didn’t win. Tomorrow we will learn how our itinerary changes because I suspect we will lose a stop in the French Polynesia due to the medical evacuation. Our guess is they won’t stop in Moorea but we will see

Alex playing Millionaire game

Some food pics for you all – some half eaten because we keep forgetting to take photos but we’ll keep trying.

Snacks delivered this pm
My half eaten French onion soup with no onions to be found.
Alex’s seafood linguine
My salmon – do you think they could spare the 2 carrot sticks?

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