Day 21 – Last sea day #6 before Bora Bora (10/7/19)

Written by Kim

Woke up to a beautiful sunrise on the balcony before heading up on deck for our walk. God is so good making the beautiful sunrise. Had breakfast in the main dining room which we enjoy. Service is good and food comes very hot. Ran into 2 Belgian men, Nick and Tom, who I talked to online before boarding. They are from Antwerp which I visited many times when with J&J. Headed to trivia for Round 5. We did really well today with a score of 26. The topics were movies and food and Alex knows the bonus question which really helped us.

Beautiful sunrise somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere on the Pacific

Decided to go to secure some chairs at the pool before the pool volleyball tournament started. People don’t save chairs like they do on Caribbean cruises so it’s not too bad at the pool (guess saving chairs is an American thing). We had a light lunch at Fish and chips and enjoyed a cooler of beers at the pool.

Not too many chairs saved at 7 am while we walked
A little busier at the pool in the afternoon

After a short nap it was off to the lounge to catch up with our favorite bartenders and new friends. Met some new Floridians tonight. Marguerite and Carlos, who grew up in Live Oak where Stephen works, were very nice and we talked about plans once we get to Australia with Jason who used to live in a Sydney.

Roberta, Ojarvis and Joseph from the Diamond Lounge. Joseph makes sure our drinks are always full.

After dinner we saw Pixels in 270. The show was good but basically the same show we saw on both Quantum and Anthem several times. RCCL needs to refresh their shows more often. We called it an early night since we want to be out early tomorrow. Ronnie, our cabin steward, left us an anteater (we think).


Bora Bora tomorrow which we are really looking forward to despite the forecast for rain. Ugh. Just watching NY news and realize you are getting rain at home too. Until tomorrow….


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