Day 22 – Bora Bora Dreaming (10/8/19)

Written by Alex

Six days at sea brings on a lot of dreaming of an idyllic day in Bora Bora, one with brilliant sunshine, clear water, swaying palm trees and a light breeze. Unfortunately, Mother Nature has other ideas! A cloudy, cool (by South Pacific standards – 77F/25C) and drizzly day greeted us. We had booked a snorkel tour through Viator so it was all systems go, despite the weather. Upon arrival by tender there was quite a mob in port of people looking to provide tours or taxis, vendors, a local music band, etc. It was bedlam. Luckily we saw a white board with our name on it. The girl told us to meet at 8:45 “on the point” and pointed toward the end of the pier. Well, after help from some other guys we asked, the boat was on the opposite side of the port area. Yes, it was a bit insane. But we finally boarded our small boat of 11 passengers and two crew.

Our snorkel trip consisted of three stops. Stop 1 was a coral garden area. I don’t own (at this time) an underwater camera so I have no photos of the coral and all of the pretty fish. But even with overcast skies, it was beautiful. I’m sure if sunny it would have been more colorful. Stop 2 was further out in deeper waters to see some small sharks. The crews of a number of boats anchor here and bring chum to attract the sharks. It seemed scary at first, but they were small and uninterested in the swimming humans. Stop 3 was a stingray area which was shallow and we could stand in belly depth waters. The stingrays came to the crew as they were fed, so I stood close and they came up on me like puppy dogs! The engine of the boat started acting up at the stingray stop but luckily they were able to limp us back in to port without too much trouble. It was a great trip thanks to Roberto and Martin, our crew.

Look ma, I still have thumbs!


Sharks! They were harmless….


Once back in port we had considered trying to find a place to eat lunch, but the port area was still very crazy and we heard there weren’t many options other than a place called Bloody Mary’s. We were still wet and it was a 10 minute cab ride away, so we chose to just tender back to the ship and have lunch. After than we sat on our balcony and pretty much passed out – some chair napping led to bed napping and next thing we knew it was 6pm!! I felt like I had been hit by a truck!

Once we showered and went to the lounge we felt better. We chatted in the lounge with Deb and Ian and then saw Wendy and Tony, who decided to join us for dinner in the main dining room. Geronimo and Normandy were on point once again and we had a nice time.

After dinner we decided to give the casino yet another go (sucker is tattooed on my forehead) – but we both won! Kim won $10 and I won $120, so a $130 profit? Get me out of there!

The band Kinetics was playing in Two70 so we went down and danced a bit. We were well rested from our big nap so why not!! Was a good end to a fun day in Bora Bora.

Aysy the Activities Manager leads some dances!

Tomorrow is Tahiti where we plan to ferry over to Moorea. Weather forecast is for a nicer day so wish us luck!! 🤙🌴☀️

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