Written by Kim
Well…..our travel plans have been turned inside out with Covid restrictions. We should have been in Reno this week at the National Bowling Championship but that’s is now postponed till July. In a few weeks we expected to drive to Baltimore to board Grandeur of the Seas with Alex’s mom and dad to celebrate their 60th anniversary and mom’s 80th birthday but that was cancelled today so we need to reschedule. We completely understand the need for social distancing and these cancellations but desperate times require alternative travel ideas.
Today we started a new adventure on foot. We are planning to walk the entire Raritan canal towpath trail that goes about 38 miles from New Brunswick to Trenton. We will do it in 3-4 mile segments. Alex is working on planning the segments. Today we did a 2.4 mile section but actually walked down and back for 4.8 miles due to limited parking. We will continue over the next few weeks and keep you posted.
We are busy getting the house ready to be listed but will sprinkle some walks on the trail to satisfy our travel bug while we’re grounded for now. Hope you’re finding something fun to do during this crazy time. Stay well….