
May 2021 – Vegas for USBC bowling tournament (Part 1)

Written by Kim

At last we are traveling a bit to the long awaited postponed from 2020 bowling tournament. This will be Alex’s 26th year participating. We typically add a day or 2 to enjoy Vegas but about 4 days is enough of the hustle and bustle. Travel is different for us from Myrtle as most flights require a connection (unlike NJ) and American is the big airline (instead of United). We’ve found although we could drive to Charlotte, the American hub, in a few hours most flights starting in Myrtle and connecting are actually cheaper – go figure. Our flights were uneventful although we left in the wee hours for our 6:30 am flight we were able to nap on our flights arriving in Vegas 11:20 (their time). I do enjoy flying west because you get views of the snow capped mountains and desert. Our God made us a beautiful country that I hope to get to see more of.

The snow capped mountains
Arriving in Vegas – very brown desert

Our flight was a bit delayed, we gathered our luggage, and got an Uber to our rental car. Alex booked a car offsite since rental cars are ridiculously expensive. It was half price downtown. That sounded like a good idea until we got to the rental car place at 1 and they closed at noon. Now we were stranded at a strip mall with our luggage. Time to call another Uber to get to Mandalay where we will stay the next few days. We got a refund since the car place isn’t open on Sunday so we are car-less for our trip. Oh well lots of steps are good for us.

We walked up to MGM for dinner at the steakhouse. We enjoyed our dinner then headed off to the David Copperfield show. It was a bit of normalcy to see a show but they were very cautious with less than 50% capacity and good compliance with mask wearing, social distancing and sanitizing props for show. I loved David’s message “Live the impossible”. One of his tricks was an email he sent at the beginning of the show that described all the events of the show (duh it was an embedded link which they updated during the show – at least that’s our hypothesis – well done see below

A glass of wine and some bourbon to start
Filet mignon, some fancy mushrooms and potato purée for dinner

Sunday was Mother’s Day so we slept in a little till 6 am. Lol. We had breakfast at Mandalay and then went for a walk to the convenience store to get some water and seltzer. $5 for a bottle of Perrier was more than we were willing to pay at Mandalay. We got 6 bottles for $5 at the convenience store.

Mandalay Bay

Sunday night was Alex’s first bowling, team event. We went over to SouthPointe a little early to grab something to eat. I also was able to connect with a high school friend, Robin Bosland Lamb, who I haven’t seen in nearly 40 years! Thanks FB for keeping connections it was great to catch up live after communicating for years on FB. We ate a late lunch at the Oyster House. How can you pass up a dozen oysters for $13.50. Yum. Alex bowled pretty well in my opinion but he was a little disappointed in his scores. He found a great shot in the 10th frame of the 3rd game – a little too late. Hopefully he can lock in earlier tomorrow.

Yummy oysters
The team walking out (Carmen, Jagade, Alex and Dave – missing Phyllis in this photo)

Part 2 will come when we’re home. Until then….,


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